We want to inform you that “live” data on the Polish electricity system, i.e. hourly and daily data (including electricity production by different sources), will not work correctly on our platform until further notice.Â
The reason for this is extensive changes to the data sharing system by PSE (Transmission System Operator in Poland) in connection with the reform of the Balancing Market. These have forced a major overhaul of our scripts and the reporting of erroneous data to ENTSO-e (e.g., production from solar PV is almost nonexistent in them). By the end of next week, the most important charts should be up again after adjusting for the changes, but we are not responsible if the data provided is incorrect. It may take about a month to fully restore the datasets (apart from 2 charts, we have had five tables available for download).Â
This situation demonstrates the importance of a consistent, proactively communicated policy for data management and digitisation processes. There was a lack of easily accessible and transparent information for users not involved in the BM reform processes, e.g. that they would lose access to all tables at their current address and structure overnight. The download interface, documentation, migration, teaching users about the new site and debugging lacked some good practices. Once the providers and users get everything back on track, there will be a new value – higher data resolution and an interface for automatic downloading. But the process is difficult and it didn’t have to be that way.
Let’s remember that data is not meant to be on the internet to fulfil some obligation. Data is supposed to serve the users and society.Â
We hope for a quick fix and keep our fingers crossed for the PSE team working to fix this crisis and develop standards for data sharing.