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Update on issues with electrical system data from PSE

The team informs that there have been some significant changes to the platform in recent weeks. These changes have been driven by changes in the way that data on electricity system is shared by the Transmission System Operator (Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne). We described the issue in more detail in a recent blog post.


The updates that took place since the last information was posted are listed below.

  • We have temporarily disabled the “Power system demand (load)” chart, as it couldn’t be updated anymore and requires rebuilding the infrastructure for downloading the data
  • We have adjusted the “Electricity production, source: ENTSO-E” chart to the new data resolution – from now on, the data on electricity generation is displayed with a 15-minute accuracy. Computing the subsequent aggregates  was also adjusted. Due to representing the generation through power, the correct approach is to average the values, instead of summation
  • The “Electricity production, source: ENTSO-E” chart now shows the average power for a given time interval (previously, it displayed energy resulting from the average power)
  • Other changes, included in the July update of our platform, are described in more detail here.


The Transmission System Operator has confirmed that the data they publish are correct from 12.07.2024 onwards. In the interim period, i.e. from 13.06.2024 to 11.07.2024, the data contains incorrect values, which will be amended. Unfortunately, the exact term remains unknown.

Due to the holiday season, we will not be able to restore the “Power system demand (load)” chart and the downloadable PSE files in the “More data” section for at least another month. We apologise for the inconvenience.

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